the next five years I see technology expanding rapidly; it seems that every few
months there is a new version of a seemingly fine technology (i.e. iPads,
iPhones, Tablets, etc.) I believe every day technology is perfected just a
little bit more and apps and tools are becoming more functional and readily available.
My hope for the next five years is that
cutting edge technology can somehow be slightly cheaper than it is as of now, I
say this because I find it extremely unfair that there are amazing technologies
available that could benefit so many students and their families and yet due to
the hefty price tags, they are left behind.
is changing education by providing students with new avenues with which to
express themselves and to learn and by providing teachers with new ways to
teach various subjects. For example, visual learners are given new ways to see
subjects through Smart Boards and iPad apps, audio learners are able to learn
with podcasts, and hands-on learners are able to figuratively do the work themselves
through hands on apps and using Smart Boards. In higher level education, such
as high school, students are able to participate in things like never before.
For example, a high school student who is too squeamish to actually dissect
animals is able to still learn the information through an electronic way via
iPad app; students are able to technologically study abroad and view the world’s
greatest monuments.
are able to use technologies such as podcasting, classroom websites and cloud
sharing to reach students who are unable to come to class as well as all
students parents. Teachers are also able to make students more involved in the
lessons that are taught through hands on technologies such as the iPad and
an aspiring teacher I look forward to one day being able to use these
technologies in my classroom to be a better teacher, in the following AudioBoo
posting I will discuss which technology I am most excited about using and how I
plan on using it in my classroom.
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